Fee For Service IVF

Medications*Possible insurance coverage; most patients find it more affordable to pay out of pocket
CRM Monitoring$3,186 (Estimate)
ART Services$10,636
(Includes Retrieval, Transfer, Embryology Laboratory, Anesthesia Costs)
Total Estimate*$13,822 (*does not include medication costs)
Possible Additional ART Charges :
Embryo Cryopreservation$1,438
PGT-A/PGT-MMolecular Biology lab fees vary by procedure (*Fees billed by testing laboratory)


Fee for Service Frozen Embryo Transfer

Medications*Possible Insurance Coverage; most patients find it more affordable to pay out of pocket
CRM Monitoring$1,943  (Estimate)
ART Services$3,546 (Includes Embryo Thaw and Transfer)
Total Estimate*$5,489 (*does not include medication costs)

For Financial Information on Egg Freezing, see the Egg Freezing page.